HOME MANAGEMENT AUTOMANT.LZH 98304 02-15-93 AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE Intended and designed for the automotive novice. If you know nothing about your car, and want to work on it and save money or just for the fun of it, get this program! For minor maintenance and keeping your car lookin' good. Rqs, color monitor. CALENDAR.LZH 147456 02-15-93 CALENDAR 2.03 Runs from autoexec.bat file and displays important information for the next week. The editing program has many unusual features to make data entry easy. If you have a computer on your desk, try this program. CASHCONT.LZH 147456 02-15-93 CASH CONTROL V1.2 Simplifies home record keeping. It appears as a checkbook register. Enter transactions for checking, savings & charge accounts, transfer funds, print checks, balance accts, payment reminders, reports & graphs. From Adrian- Thomas Developments. (req.320K) CHARGEAC.LZH 98304 02-15-93 CHARGE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT This program manages charge account records, allowing you to determine your charged expenses by category. Complete documentation on disk. CHECKBK2.LZH 65536 02-15-93 CHECKBOOK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2 of 2 Disks Review and change previous entries. Lots of documentation included. A 2 disk set. CHECKBKM.LZH 131072 02-15-93 CHECKBOOK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 1 of 2 Disks A very complete checkbook management system with a full range of reports. This allows full maintenance of check entries. This package also allows bank charges, automatic teller deposits/withdrawals, interest and transfers. Continued... CHEQUEIT.LZH 360448 02-15-93 CHEQUE IT OUT 1.1C Check book balance, account reconciliation, reporting, budgeting, check writing, recurring transactions, expense tracking, and credit cards. No accounting experience needed. This program is truly beautiful. From Hopper International. ASP CREDITCD.LZH 65536 02-15-93 CREDIT CARD TRACK Manage loans and bank cards. Bank cards are the primary focus of this program. Card Track will emulate "what-if" situations as well as approximating actual loan terms without modifications. EARLYBRD.LZH 180224 02-15-93 EARLY BIRD V1.0F A full featured reminder program with simple to complex reminder types, desktop calendar alarms, print menu, file menu, plus many other features. Excellent program! (Requires 200k). ASP EASYBNK1.LZH 163840 02-15-93 EASY BANKING 1.4 1 of 2 Disks Simple to use yet sophistacated system to manage personal or small business banking information. It will track checks, withdrawals, deposits, automatic monthly transactions and all general banking information. Up to 98 expense catagories, an EASYBNK2.LZH 131072 02-15-93 EASY BANKING 1.4 2 of 2 Disks .... it can generate several hundred statements and budget reports. Also has a pop up calendar, calculator and optional password security. Rqs, 384k, HD. ASP EXPRESCK.LZH 311296 02-15-93 EXPRESS CHECK 4.04 Helps you not only keep track of your checking account but also the complete household budget. Completely menu driven. Up to 90 different accounts with 200 budget categories per account. Amounts up to $9,999,999.99. Rqs., 320k. ASP GARDNER.LZH 49152 02-15-93 THE PERSONAL GARDENER With this program you can set up a garden to your specifications. Up to 999 plants can be planted in any particular garden. Printouts can be made as well as updating existing garden files. Menu driven & on-line help function. HAL9000.LZH 163840 02-15-93 HAL 9000 Hal-9000 is an almanac, a philosopher, a clock/calendar, and a memo calendar. Can be loaded on the front of your hard drive as an intro screen. Comes with documentation on disk. Unique! HANDSOFF.LZH 147456 02-15-93 HANDSOFF 1.20A By using a combination of psychology and your existing computer hardware, "HandsOff!" helps protect your home or office. No special hardware is needed! Use your mouse as a sensitivity monitor, or keypad for intruder alert. HANDYMAN.LZH 114688 02-15-93 HANDYMAN V1.2 Menu-driven planning tool for remodeling, redecorating or small construction jobs. Use rough measurements & determine amount of materials & costs for wallpaper, paneling, wallboard, paint, carpet, tile, or other coverings. HOMEHELP.LZH 212992 02-15-93 HOME HELPER V1.3 Includes electronic phone book with mailing labels, recipes, audio and video tape library organization, home inventory, personal scheduler, and more. Completely menu driven with pop-up help screens. (Requires 512k, a hard drive). ASP HOMEINSP.LZH 65536 02-15-93 THE HOME INSPECTOR Designed by professional home inspectors to aid a prospective home buyer in objectively evaluating a homes condition. Covered areas are: electrical, plumbing, heating/AC, basement, roof/attic, garage, interior, and much more! HOMEINVT.LZH 344064 02-15-93 ORGANIZE YOUR HOME 5.58 A Home Insurance program that allows you to keep track of what you own, where the items are located and how much it would cost to replace something that is lost. Easy to use. Rqs, 320k, DOS 3.0 or better. ASP HOMEMAIN.LZH 131072 02-15-93 RED' HOME MAINTENANCE PROGRAM A complete Home Maintenance Program for the Home Owner. Covers anything from home care, electrical, plumbing, appliances, floors, carpet, windows, soil, lumber concrete and more. Lots of helpful information for any home owner. Rqs, 384k. HOMEREG.LZH 196608 02-15-93 HOUSEHOLD REGISTER 3.1 Menu driven home inventory program holds up to 99,999 items. A valuation report prints your inventory and summary/statistical analysis of items by category, owner, or location. Many features. Rqs, 384k . ASP HOMESHOP.LZH 344064 02-15-93 SMART HOME SHOPPER Allows you to quickly and conveniently prepare a grocery store shopping list. Even maintains prices for up to 5 stores and performs "comparison shopping" automatically. Easy and fun to use. (Requires 512k, a hard drive). ASP MAKMYDAY.LZH 81920 02-15-93 MAKE MY DAY This multi-function program will allow you to keep an appointment calendar, track expenses, schedule jobs and keep a time log. Very handy and easy to use. Comes with documentation on disk. MONEY32.LZH 65536 02-15-93 MONEY V3.2 Tutorial of good "at home" money making businesses. Two require a computer, one requires interest in bicycles, two require nothing at all! Each business is unique, tested, & requires very little knowledge or money. From Another Company. OMNIDA22.LZH 262144 02-15-93 OMNIDAY 3.11 Helping you to document your memoirs & thoughts. You can use this as your personal diary. Features data encryption, password protection, auto date entry, entries from 1 line to 5000 lines each, on-line help and more! Rqs, 334k. ASP PASHM20.LZH 114688 02-15-93 P. A. S. H. M. V2.0 Complete home budgeting, tracking of home maintenance, home inventory, record tracking, name & address tracking, vehicle maintenance log, and a full featured financial calculation system. Comprehensive. ASP PCBUDGT1.LZH 196608 02-15-93 PCBUDGET 2.5 1 of 2 Disks PCBUDGET is a simple and organized budgeting tool. You can use it as a simple Checkbook manager or as a detailed record keeping and tracking home accounting system. You can keep track of your bank accounts, credit cards, expenses, incomes, asset,.... PCBUDGT2.LZH 114688 02-15-93 PCBUDGET 2.5 2 of 2 Disks .... liabilities, loans, and bill payments. Track budgets, plan your future needs, measure your progress, and alarm you of problem areas. Rqs, 512k, 2 floppys or HD. ASP PCMONEY1.LZH 262144 02-15-93 PC-MONEY V1.0 This is a nice system for family or personal finance management and tax recording. It is fully documented and has sample data to work with while learning. The system also has provision for portfolio management and federal tax estimating. PERFINAN.LZH 147456 02-15-93 PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This is a user-supported program for complete financial management. It includes about 40 pages of documentation and sample data. PERINV.LZH 98304 02-15-93 PERSONAL INVENTORY 2.12 This program is designed primarily for home usage. It will keep track of all items in your household and is especially great for insurance purposes. Provides a means of tracking depreciation using 4 different methods. QPACS.LZH 65536 02-15-93 QPACS V3.2 Checkbook Entries up to nine accounts; Check printing; Selective Registers; Checkbook Balancing; Budget and compare to actual expenses; Record Assets, Liabilities, Investments, and Household inventory; Federal Income Tax Estimator; and more. ASP SAVACCT.LZH 98304 02-15-93 SAVINGS ACCT MANAGEMENT V1.0 Enter information, figure and display a running balance, correct any information, delete transactions, and generate reports. New from the creators of Charge Account Management System. (Requires 192k & 1 disk drive). SMART10.LZH 98304 02-15-93 SMART 10 Intended for use with the X10 Powerhouse CP290 computer interface. It can be programmed from a personal computer and will maintain and execute up to 128 timer events. Devised to overcome the limitations of the CP290 and its supplied software. ASP TURBCHK.LZH 212992 02-15-93 TURBO CHECK 1.0 A very user friendly checking account program made for the novice. Prints checks and all types of reports. Very smooth graphics look. (Requires, CGA or better, hard drive). VEHCOST.LZH 147456 02-15-93 VEHICLE COSTS Vehicle Costs allows entry and retrieval of information related to the purchase, repair, service and running costs of motor vehicles. You can also maintain records of fuel usage and consumption rates with averages of the last ten tanks. ASP WHO.LZH 294912 02-15-93 WHO-U-KNOW 1.1 Nice program for keeping track of names, addresses, phone numbers etc. Will print labels as well as dial a number for you. Rqs, 512k HD. ASP